jeu 25/04

21h00 - 02h00

Thursday dj set by Adrian Back

Discover the elegance of an unforgettable afterwork on the Oz Boat Bordeaux! Join us for an evening on the banks of the Bassins à Flot.
Let yourself be tempted by our exceptional evening menu, designed to be shared with friends or enjoyed solo.

A culinary and musical experience along the water’s edge awaits you. Embark on a memorable evening, where every moment becomes a magical interlude, lulled by a spellbinding DJ set from 9pm.

jeu 25/04

21h00 - 02h00

Establishment(s) : Oz Boat Bordeaux

Date : Thursday 25 April 2024 de 21h00 à 2h00

Artist : n.c.

Useful information : Entrée gratuite